CDT D1206
Get information about CDT D1206 dental procedure code with description :D1206 Dental Code Meaning:
D1206 is the code used for billing topical application of Fluoride varnish.
CDT D1206 Category : PREVENTIVE
Local anesthesia is usually considered to be part of Restorative procedures such as:A one-surface posterior restoration is one in which the restoration involves only one of the five surface classifications (mesial, distal, occlusal, lingual, or facial, including buccal and labial.)
A two-surface posterior restoration is one in which the restoration extends to two of the five surface classifications.
A three-surface posterior restoration is one in which the restoration extends to three of the five surface classifications.
A four-or-more surface posterior restoration is one in which the restoration extends to four or more of the five surface classifications.
A one-surface anterior proximal restoration is one in which neither the lingual nor facial margins of the restoration extend beyond the line angle.
A two-surface anterior proximal restoration is one in which either the lingual or facial margin of the restoration extends beyond the line angle.
A three-surface anterior proximal restoration is one in which both the lingual and facial margins of the restorations extend beyond the line angle.
A four-or-more surface anterior restoration is one in which both the lingual and facial margins extend beyond the line angle and the incisal angle is involved This restoration might also involve all four surfaces of an anterior tooth and not involve the incisal angle.