Diagnostic CDT Codes
Code Range D0100-D0999List :
- D0120
- D0140
- D0145
- D0150
- D0160
- D0170
- D0171
- D0180
- D0190
- D0191
- D0210
- D0220
- D0230
- D0240
- D0250
- D0251
- D0270
- D0272
- D0273
- D0274
- D0277
- D0290
- D0310
- D0320
- D0321
- D0322
- D0330
- D0340
- D0350
- D0351
- D0364
- D0365
- D0366
- D0367
- D0368
- D0369
- D0370
- D0371
- D0380
- D0381
- D0382
- D0383
- D0384
- D0385
- D0386
- D0391
- D0393
- D0394
- D0395
- D0414
- D0415
- D0416
- D0417
- D0418
- D0422
- D0423
- D0425
- D0431
- D0460
- D0470
- D0600
- D0601
- D0602
- D0603
- D0472
- D0473
- D0474
- D0480
- D0486
- D0475
- D0476
- D0477
- D0478
- D0479
- D0481
- D0482
- D0483
- D0484
- D0485
- D0502
- D0999
- D0419
The following list(s) of procedure and/or diagnosis codes is provided for reference purposes only and may not be all inclusive. Listing of a code in this guideline does not imply that the service described by the code is a covered or noncovered health service. Benefit coverage for health services is determined by the member specific benefit plan document and applicable laws that may require coverage for a specific service. The inclusion of a code does not imply any right to reimbursement or guarantee claim payment. Other Clinical Policies and Coverage Guidelines may apply.