Implant Services CDT Codes
Code Range D6000-D6199List :
- D6190
- D6010
- D6011
- D6012
- D6013
- D6040
- D6050
- D6100
- D6101
- D6102
- D6103
- D6104
- D6055
- D6056
- D6057
- D6051
- D6052
- D6110
- D6111
- D6112
- D6113
- D6114
- D6115
- D6116
- D6117
- D6058
- D6059
- D6060
- D6061
- D6062
- D6063
- D6064
- D6094
- D6065
- D6066
- D6067
- D6068
- D6069
- D6070
- D6071
- D6072
- D6073
- D6074
- D6194
- D6075
- D6076
- D6077
- D6080
- D6081
- D6085
- D6090
- D6095
- D6091
- D6092
- D6093
- D6199
- D6082
- D6083
- D6084
- D6086
- D6087
- D6088
- D6097
- D6098
- D6099
- D6120
- D6121
- D6122
- D6123
- D6195
The following list(s) of procedure and/or diagnosis codes is provided for reference purposes only and may not be all inclusive. Listing of a code in this guideline does not imply that the service described by the code is a covered or noncovered health service. Benefit coverage for health services is determined by the member specific benefit plan document and applicable laws that may require coverage for a specific service. The inclusion of a code does not imply any right to reimbursement or guarantee claim payment. Other Clinical Policies and Coverage Guidelines may apply.