CDT D4241
Get information about CDT D4241 dental procedure code with description :D4241 Dental Code Meaning:
D4241 dental code documentation includes preparation design, material selection, and verification of margins and occlusion.CDT D4241 Category : PERIODONTICS
Periodontics is the specialty of dentistry that encompasses the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of diseases of the supporting and surrounding tissues of the teeth or their substitutes and the maintenance of the health, function, and aesthetics of these structures and tissues.
- If two contiguous teeth have areas of soft tissue recession, each area of recession is a single site.
- If two contiguous teeth have adjacent but separate osseous defects, each defect is a single site.
- If two contiguous teeth have a communicating interproximal osseous defect, it should be considered a single site.
- All non-communicating osseous defects are single sites.
- All edentulous non-contiguous tooth positions are single sites.
- Depending on the dimensions of the defect, up to two contiguous edentulous tooth positions may be considered a single site.