CDT D6013
Get information about CDT D6013 dental procedure code with description :D6013 Dental Code Meaning:
The nearly exposed pulp is covered with a protective dressing to protect the pulp from additional injury and to promote healing and repair via formation of secondary dentin This code is not to be used for bases and iners when all caries has been removed.
Prior approval requests for implants must have supporting documentation from the patient’s physician and dentist. A letter from the patient’s physician must explain how implants will alleviate the patient’s medical condition. A letter from the patient’s dentist must explain why other covered functional alternatives for prosthetic replacement will not correct the patient’s dental condition and why the patient requires implants.
The CDT Code’s Implant Services category is somewhat unique compared to other categories of service because it includes separate entries for procedures that address:- Surgical placement of the implant post (or body or fixture)
- Placement of connecting components when needed
- The final prosthetic restoration (single crowns, bridges or dentures)